All about osteochondrosis of the spine: symptoms, medical treatment, medical advice

Thoracic back pain

A less common type of degenerative disc disease of absolutely all available in the chest. This form is considered to be the most terrible, as well as symptoms of arthritis of the spine often, by mistake, is credited with other diseases, e.g., myocardial infarction, or angina pectoris. From the article everyone can learn, and then if the fear of this disease and how to cure it, and also to familiarize themselves with the images in the theme of malocclusion.

What is GOCH?

The disease is a dystrophic degenerative changes of the intervertebral discs of the spinal column.

Compound chest 12 vertebrae. It is less agile and well-protected muscle corset. Because of these properties, the low back pain is considered the most rare malocclusions.

However, taking into account the universal impulse to an increase of the incidence of osteochondrosis, which are very widespread, they become episodes of degenerative disc disease with localization in the chest area.

For a deeper understanding of the essence GOCH, recommend that you familiarize yourself with the code of the disease and its forms of ICD-10.

What is the specificity of this part of the vertebral column?

The low mobility related to its anatomical traits that make a connection to the vertebrae with the ribs and the sternum has the ability to form quite mobile and robust system that is less exposed to injury and external actions.

It is statistically proven that a minor load of this department has promoted the fact that the appearance of any complications happen very rarely. But if this is the their appearance can not be called something extraordinary, for example, the non-compliance posture and the curvature may be some predisposing conditions that lead to the emergence of diseases of the spinal column.


The main cause of the onset of GOCH are dystrophic changes in the tissues and complication of the metabolic action because of poor nutrition and irrational load on the intervertebral discs.

Often thoracic back pain form because of prolonged sitting in uncomfortable pose, in the presence of scoliosis, which is irregular in shape, the load on the spine.

The event Dorigo expressed a strong advanced of pain, with the view of a sudden heart attack. In addition to limiting the mobility of the back may appear breathing difficulties.

When dorsalgia pain, localized in matter direction of the unit, extended the character, a relatively weak grip and accompanied by a limited activity in the lumbo-feeding or in the cervico-thoracic spine.


Doctors distinguish 4 degrees of the disease:

The pain in the breast department
  1. Occurs due to a rupture of the intervertebral disc, triggered by a sharp movement or a massive load. Sick in this time she feels a strong pain in the area of the spine, and the tension of all the muscles.
  2. Diagnose if there are signs of protrusion of the intervertebral discs (bulge to 5 millimeters), and the availability of unsustainable of the place. It is necessary to make a careful the the examination, diagnostic, to reveal this stage of the disease.
  3. Characterized by frequent feelings of pain, difficulty breathing, minor breaches of the activity of the heart and the headache. Also, is the possibility of occurrence of herniated disc.
  4. It is considered the most dangerous for human health. When it occurs the appearance of osteophytes that compress the spinal cord and nerve endings.

The symptoms

Later we will explain all the most important thing about the symptoms in different stages.

At the beginning

In the first period of the disease this is not expressed. Often strongly developed pain syndrome occurring neurological disorders (weakness, "viewfinder" in the eyes, etc), the patient does not alloy with back problems.

The pain in the chest

Be drawn into the area of the heart, chest, back, side by side, in the upper part of the abdomen. The noise is worse during inhalation and exhalation, when you are driving. Can feel numbness of the left hand and the tail is invariably black in the area.

Sensation of constriction in the

Pain between the shoulder blades from time accompanied by a feeling of lack of air during inspiration. The doctors advise not to panic, and sit and determine the beat.

In the case where the pulse does not exceed 100 beats per minute, the probability of malocclusion functioning of the lungs or of the heart is very small.

Reflections syndromes

The syndrome front of the chest wall

Consequently, the voltage paravertebral muscle traced with back pains, often asymmetric, more developed on the convex side of the deformation.

The syndrome front of the chest wall. The onset of pain caused by the reflection of the effort and degenerative change in the Sternum-sternocleidomastoid-mastoid muscle, starts on the sternum.

The pain increases when loads the muscles of the chest, in the curve of the head and body.


It is a strong and sudden burst of pain, so hereinafter referred to as "back pain", which is manifested in the interscapular place, and can appear at any time. Directly during a crisis, patients present as the "dagger stroke", accompanied by a sudden spasm of the back muscles.

With the exception of a sharp pain, which is manifested shortness of breath and substantial limitation of freedom of movement. Such a complication of degenerative disc disease with periodic crises, which can last up to several weeks.

How dangerous is syndrome root?

Low back pain, emerging with the syndrome, the root is always accompanied by pain. When this pain spasm, feel in the chest area, often similar to angina. But unlike her, the pain factor is not able to eliminate the intake of medication dilate blood vessels, and suspension of physical activity. Every movement of the trunk, and, in addition, cough and loud breathing causes a significant increase in the pain.

Common signs to create degenerative disc disease of the chest, except the pain of the cross, are considered paresis, incomplete or total lack of sensitivity and the change of the reflected tendon tissues, identified in the process of the neurological examination. This syndrome may be accompanied by loss of hair, swelling of the extremities, lividity of the skin.

Signs in the subacute phase

The doctor conducts the diagnosis of degenerative disc disease on the image

After the aggravation begins subacute phase of the process of breastfeeding degenerative disc disease. The pain and difficulty of breathing remain, however, are much less active. The man does not search for a comfortable position of the body, which are not considered to be discomfort.

The duration panencefalite period — up to 2 weeks. If you have met all the medical visits you experience a weakening, for which it is the peculiar lack developed symptoms. The failure mode leads to a new worsening of the degenerative disc disease.


In the remission phase, they may appear a small uncomfortable feelings change in the weather or after hypothermia. An acute pain only occurs when osteochondrosis 2-4 severity level due to a strong rotation or inclination of the body.


Consider psychosomatic cough.

That led to the cough?

In the malocclusion of the vertebral column, the cough is accompanied by sore throat, and to a greater extent with only one hand. At the beginning of their medical expression such as angina. In the later stages of degenerative disc disease, and unpleasant feelings become permanent, are aggravated in the night.

Neurological signs such as headache, dizziness, fog in the eyes, blurred vision, feeling of fatigue, lack of air, appear in the case of displacement of the intervertebral discs, when compressed the nerve endings and arteries.

These feelings may be felt in the area of the stomach, causing the man heads to the research of the liver, pancreas, etc, not thinking that the root cause of pain – low back pain chest. With the combination of some forms of chondrosis – cervical and thoracic, the people can complain of a sense of foreign body in throat, which becomes very pronounced after exercise or after the discomfort of the pose.

Vegetative components

The advice of a doctor

This can be:

  • dryness and peeling of the skin in the area of innervation of a single nerve;
  • local non-compliance with breathability and thermoregulation (for the area of innervation);
  • cold suckler of the arts, the fragility of the nails of the feet;
  • pain, simulating the gastrointestinal disease (e.g., gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, vomiting, and so on);
  • sore kidneys, that are not actually associated with malocclusion kidney (it is not a change in the urine, and ULTRASOUND);
  • the pain in the heart, similar to an attack of angina pectoris, and understood, and myocardial infarction.

If spasm and dizziness?

When breastfeeding osteochondrosis occur muscle spasms and dizziness.

With regard to the malocclusion spine, if you up the pressure?

When breastfeeding osteochondrosis can be detected also an increase of the pressure. As well as within the department is the artery, the clip of which has effect on the pressure.

It is possible to warm the body in the bath tub with high blood pressure?

Turkish under a bit of pressure high is not bad. During the 3 and 4 phase hypertension, the Turkish bath is prohibited, because it leads to death. During the 1 and hypertension stage 2 target organs are not damaged, then a visit to the baths is allowed.

GASTROINTESTINAL tract, and the disease

When the thoracic form of degenerative disc disease, pain in the intestines appear when jamming roots on 8-9 vertebrae (broke the innervation of the digestive tract).

Painful impulses coming from the nerve endings of the spinal cord to the intestinal tract, increase peristalsis. The man is concerned about swelling, pain, cramps in the area of the duodenum.

Angina pectoris and disease

The rib cage has a lot of nerve fibers and a few large, complex, after the irritation which appears the pain. Otherwise, the intervertebral discs, tapering, leading to compression of the nerve roots of the thoracic spine, resulting in pain, simulating a heart attack.

Other common symptoms

Increased heart rate

Violation of the sensitivity in the hand have been made more "cold", feel the cold, for him to "run with the creeps".

In some versions signs of degenerative disc disease of the chest like a panic attack (fear, palpitations, sweating). In combination with the chest pain can be a symptom of myocardial infarction, for this reason, it is best to take the medication vasodilator and call for an Ambulance, which would make him a cardiogram.

The violation of the functioning of the digestive system: frequent acute gastritis, constipation, abdominal swelling, periodic disturbances of the stomach, periodic diarrhea – with no margin for error in the diet.


Dorigo is a sudden and strong pain. Occurs when a person in a certain position for a long time, and then the abrupt change of her. Can appear shortness of breath, difficulty of breathing, the muscles poorly controlled.


Dorsalgia is a bordered chronic pain, which shortly expressed, brings the patient to discomfort the child.


From damaged to some extent spinal roots is painful impulses to various internal organs, including the heart. If this is acceptable to the appearance of symptoms different variants of arrhythmias, but the most frequent of them – it is the arrhythmia (extra-spasmodic, cardiac reduction) or sinus tachycardia (uniform often the heartbeat).


The diagnosis is quite complex event. This is due to the fact that this form of the disease has no obvious specific signs characteristic degenerative disorder of the spinal column, and is held with the manifestations of diseases of the internal organs.

During independent of the diagnosis of degenerative disc disease of the chest is necessary to focus the attention and for the symptoms of diseases of the internal organs. When it occurs, and inefficient special treatment is necessary to make a differential diagnosis, which accurately can help determine the pathological process.

Diagnosis the doctor

Detection of the disease which has caused the appearance in the chest area of the pain, begins with the collection of medical history.

In this expert with the utmost precision, recognizes the character of the unpleasant sensations, and the root cause, have gone before us. Is able to help, presumably to establish the diagnosis of a patient may be thoracic back pain. The next step will be determined by probing the affected area. This offers the possibility to identify the presence of intervertebral hernias.

When you receive circumstantial evidence the formation of the breast, degenerative disc disease, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests of the blood. This type of search is considered necessary, as well as indicates the presence in the body of an inflammatory process that accompanies degenerative-degenerative downstream in the spine.

But with the maximum accuracy to determine the main cause of the onset of disorders in the chest, for the definition of degenerative disc disease, in development, in media, the department of the vertebral column, it is necessary to pass:

  1. Laboratory tests and diagnosis up (ECG, ULTRASOUND, x-rays).
  2. A the the neurological examination.
  3. Magnetic RESONANCE imaging, which allows you to set with precision not only the presence of intervertebral hernia, but to what extent amazed degenerationism the action of the nerve endings.
  4. X-ray in 2 projections.


Only a holistic approach to treatment will give you the chance to do away with all of the signs of degenerative disc disease, suspend, or the entire stop its spread to healthy discs and vertebrae. In the malocclusion of 1-2 degrees apply conservative methods of therapy. For degenerative disc disease 3-4 level inherent in the formation of large hernias. In order to eliminate the compression of their blood vessels, and spinal roots, it may be necessary to surgical treatment.


To treat arthritis, apply the medicines – different substances the clinical-pharmacological companies. In the initial phase, funds are used for the intravenous administration, fast, have a therapeutic effect. After a few days inject solutions replace the tablets, ointments, patches.

The pain between the shoulder blades

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The FANS have shown analgesic action, anti-inflammatory, calming influence. Locate a sharp pain will intramuscular administration of solutions.

To eliminate minor uncomfortable sensations between the shoulder blades used the funds for topical application. And with only slight pain to the face of FANS for ingestion.

Muscle relaxants

To eliminate muscle spasms, produced in response to a great deal of pain, apply to muscle relaxants.


In the malocclusion of level 1, the course of adoption chondroprotectors promotes the recovery disks damaged. In other options of medications are assigned to improve the metabolism of the sector in question of the spinal column, prevention of the progression of the disease.

Preparations of vitamins of the group B

Vitamins are introduced in the medicinal pattern of patients with diseases of any severity level. Their use contributes to an increase in blood circulation, to improve the functioning of the peripheral nervous system, the recovery of the trophic innervation and.

A set of vitamins category B has a good effect on the degenerative diseases nerves and skeletal.

Physiotherapy treatment

To cure arthritis apply magnetic therapy, laser therapy, UHF-therapy, current, sinusoidal, shockwave therapy, and paraffin wax and ozokerite. In the exacerbations take place electrophoresis, fonoforesi, with glucocorticosteroids, anesthetics, vitamins B, protectors of the cartilage.

Massage and manual techniques

The massage improves the resolution of pain between the shoulder blades, relaxation spazmirovannah of the skeletal muscle.

Osteochondrosis from the point of view of the therapeutic effective in all types of traditional massage, vacuum, acupuncture, connective tissue.

In home massage exercise easily with the help electric massager with a long handle.

Gymnastics and PHYSIOTHERAPY

When breastfeeding osteochondrosis 1 level casual therapeutic exercise will give you the chance to do without the use of drugs. The treatment is done through the maintenance of muscle, improvement of vascularity of the tissues with nutrients. In other forms of gymnastics and persistent classes can help alert the inclusion in the destructive process healthy vertebrate parts, continue the remission phase.

A series of exercises at home

Exercises in the standing position:

  • tilts forward, by lifting alternately the legs folded;
  • the slopes to the side with their arms raised back and forth between the hands;
  • lean forward, trying to reach with the hand opposite of the foot.

The number of repetitions — 10-12 times in 2-3 approach.

For the exercises in the supine position in need of a sports rug or a tight, folded in two times covered:

  • lying on belly lifting legs and arms is broken;
  • lying on your back, lift the upper part of the trunk, extend your hands to the footsteps;
  • lying on your back, bend 1 leg and get behind one another, trying to touch the knee to the floor.

Every lesson you need to run for 7-10 times.

Grass when the chondrosis

Folk remedies when the chondrosis

Decoctions and infusions of plants, pharmaceuticals, ointments, alcohol and oil rub, body wraps neurologists allow you to use after the execution of a therapy.

Folk remedies shall apply to the removal of the minor discomfort between the shoulder blades, sometimes appear after a strenuous exercise. Apply to the roots of celery, and sunflower seeds, it is also possible to make the homepage ointment.

Characteristic of therapy during exacerbations

The treatment consists of:

  • the localization of the local symptoms of painkillers and analgesics for internal use;
  • the bed rest;
  • the tip of a corset for the fixing of the vertebrae.
In the case of aggravation heavy, you need to call an ambulance. During the patient's stay in hospital, the doctor observe the patient's condition and select the medication.

How to remove heart attack?

The pain in the period of relapse of the arthritis is acute, reaching, therefore, it is necessary to provide first aid. The patient should be calm, put on a hard surface, cover with a warm blanket. In the case in which the repetition is accompanied by frequent heart palpitations, shortness of breath, high anxiety, you need to call a doctor. To reduce pain is allowed to take any non-steroidal drug anti-inflammatory.

The complications and consequences

In the absence of intervention thoracic back pain can be a factor of not pulmonary fibrosis, arrhythmias, dystonia, vascular displacement, the worse of the gastrointestinal tract, malocclusion sexual and reproductive function in girls and men.

Without operating the correct treatment is able to cause a follow-up of the disease:

  • the protrusion and a herniated disc of the spine;
  • the compression of the spinal cord;
  • problems with the heart, the intestine, the liver, and the kidneys, and the pancreas;
  • violations in the reflux condenser and reflux the duodenum, the intestinal peristalsis, the dyskinesia of the gall bladder;
  • neuralgia, intercostal — the movement of the or irritation of the intercostal nerves.


The prognosis is positive in case of timely detection of the disease, the development of a comprehensive treatment. In case if there have been complications, osteoarthritis, only the respect of all the medical visits give you the opportunity to reach a stable remission.

As prevention of malocclusion neurologists advise to exclude from the normal life-style, causing its causes. This excess of weight, lack of physical activity, lack of vitamins and minerals in excess of the load on the spine.

The correct position of rest, and during sleep

The correct position. Upholstered furniture is not recommended. Too much pressure on the spine can help to avoid such a state, if the body is supported in sciatic hillocks. This can only be on the chairs hard. The height of the chair should be at par with the shins. The stop must rest on the floor. Every 15-20 minutes you should change the position of the feet, perform for their training. Loin is directly adjacent to the back of the chair. The body is necessary to hold directly.

The doctor says to the patient pro chondrosis

Stand correctly in osteochondrosis. If necessary, the spine drops off a huge amount of work, in particular on the lower part of the back.

  1. To help the spine to reduce the work load, it is necessary every 10-15 minutes to change the posture.
  2. It is necessary to count the 1, then the other leg.
  3. It is allowed to take place, that is, not be email, and move.
  4. Sometimes it is necessary to bend back, stretching your arms upwards and after having made full of sigh.

These procedures are used to remove the fatigue of the muscles of the back, neck, shoulders.

How to sleep?

Lying on your back with bent-kicks – in this case, the vertebrae remain physiological for their degree, a difference of posture, when the legs are straightened up when her lumbar muscles remain in a state of tension.

Lying in the fetal position – on your side with a tight to the chest folded foot. For the most comfort possible, put a small pillow under the legs. In this position, the spine is extremely relaxing, and the patient feels better.

The advice of doctors

In each complex of well-being that play an important role takes the swimming. It is extremely effective and for the prevention of degenerative disc disease. Maybe the swimming and as a curative mode when previously built osteochondrosis, but not in a moment of acute of the disease, but only if there are complaints of disturbances of the vertebral column and limbs.

A good result, the doctor has the last double set of massage. Syndrome the pain removed similar massage to the first procedure.

Diet and nutrition during pregnancy

Many analgesics during pregnancy is contraindicated, for this reason, neuroscientists give the advantage of medicines for external use — ointments, gel, patch. In the case in which without the taking of the tablets can not do without, their dosages greatly reduced. During the transportation of children the main methods of therapy for osteoarthritis — massage and PHYSIOTHERAPY.

Nutritionists recommend patients to refrain from fatty meat, greasy soups, cold cuts, domestic and industrial marine. It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in the diet, has caused the development of edema. Every day you need to drink about 2.5 liters of fluids — water, juices, vegetables, berries, fruit juices, fruit compotes.

To avoid problems with the department of the vertebral column, it is often necessary when the first symptoms contact a specialist. Not to self-medicate. If you suspect thoracic back pain must be made a careful diagnosis, in order to obtain the ability to differentiate thoracic and low back pain from other diseases.